Since we spend most of our time at work, it must be a place that’s designed with employee well-being in mind. With day-to-day work stress and pressures placed on many, employers can opt for an office aesthetic that helps to alleviate anxieties and sparks joy, even on bad days.
Our long-standing furniture partner, and global-leading manufacturer Steelcase, recognises that office design is “crucial” to overall workplace well-being. For decades they’ve researched this area, how the office environment can support health, employee retention, engagement, and overall productivity.
“When you think about all the things that happen outside of work, the workplace is where you should feel supported mentally, physically, and emotionally,” highlights researcher, Dustin Heiler, Steelcase’s Global Sustainability Consultant.
The good news is that Steelcase has discovered a fool-proof method for a mood-boosting office through extensive research. Created by Little CEO Carol Rickard-Brideau, the ‘ABCD’ acronym for wellness is a checklist featuring four essential elements for enhanced well-being and better mood in your office: active design, biophilia, community, and daylight. Keep reading to learn more from Steelcase…
1. Active design

It’s no secret that movement is linked to improved well-being. When creating office space, adding flexible designs that allow for alternate working styles is essential. Being sedentary can increase the risk of chronic illnesses and common aches and pains.
With inspiration from Steelcase, many of our workplace designs include active workstations like seated and standing desks, touchdown desking, along with a variety of work areas that promote flexibility and mobility, encouraging changes in posture throughout the day.
2. Biophilia

A trend that continues to gain momentum is biophilia. Through the typical 9-5, exposure to just five minutes of nature can significantly reduce stress levels. By integrating natural materials, fresh greenery, and outdoor-to-indoor spaces within your office design can create a calming sanctuary and uplifting environment for many.
3. Community

Social interaction is crucial to human well-being. A collaborative office space with dedicated areas for group activities, casual conversations, or simply making a coffee in an open well designed communal space where people want to be, fosters connection and creates a strong sense of community and well-being at work.
4. Daylight

Daylight influences our mood throughout the day; natural light stimulates our body’s circadian rhythm, regulating essential functions like blood pressure and hormones which impacts mood. In all our office spaces, we prioritise creating designs that are airy and gives the best access to natural light into the working environment, working in harmony and in support of employee well-being.
Looking to boost your employee well-being? Need help with crafting your office space? Be sure to get in touch!
For aspirational workplace solutions from Steelcase and the latest global research data, please visit