Paramount is delighted to sponsor Bristol-based Brislington Juniors Girls’ Colts Under-13 for the season.

The pioneering youngsters have recently secured a niche in the regional football history books. The team became the first-ever side to record a victory in the Somerset FA County Girls’ Under 13 Cup as they beat rivals Berrow 7-0.

Sulli Gardner, our Business Development Manager who proudly manages the team, commented: “It was a case of look-sharp, think-sharp and my players certainly kicked off the competition in style. The launch of a new competition in the region shows how much girls’ football is growing and the level of skill and enthusiasm bodes well for the future.”

Paramount is committed to helping young people in our local communities, including providing support to local authorities, contributing to community initiatives and charity groups.

We are currently helping to support Bristol Bears Community Foundation and University of South Wales, as well as donating to local schools in the communities we serve.